The Saskatchewan Technology Sector Labour Market and Economic Impact Initiative (LMEI) was commissioned by SaskInteractive (on behalf of its partners Western Economic Development Canada, Innovation Saskatchewan and Sasktech) engaged Nordicity to prepare a first-ever labour market and economic impact analysis of Saskatchewan’s Tech Sector.
“The baseline measurements of this first-ever Study are bold steps for the Saskatchewan Tech Sector”
explains Darcy L McLane
This study defines the Tech Sector first by identifying Tech Workers, and then determining the Tech Industries in which Tech Workers make up the largest share of the workforce. For the purpose of the economic impact presented here, the Tech Sector consists of companies in Tech Industries as well as all Tech Workers that are not employed in Tech Industries.
Below are some findings from the report.

In 2018, Nordicity estimates that the Saskatchewan Tech Sector generated $10.2 billion in revenue.

In 2018, the Tech Sector in Saskatchewan directly employed 52,300 persons.

Nordicity estimates that Saskatchewan’s Tech Sector generated direct GDP of $4.7 billion in 2018, which represents 5.6% of Saskatchewan’s total GDP.

Nordicity estimates that the Saskatchewan Tech Sector contributed $1.3 billion to provincial and federal tax coffers in 2018.
Info sheets
“The Study reports on projected job growth and highlights high-growth tech industries and occupations in Saskatchewan”
Darcy L McLane