SK Tech Companies – Register for Virtual or In Person B2Bs!

Register to attend virtual OR in-person B2Bs with hundreds of international tech buyers and investors as part of the Trade Commissioner Service’s Collision Program. Make impactful connections with global tech buyers and investors at Collision 2023 in Toronto! Is your tech company primed for global expansion? You are invited to join the Trade Commissioner Service…



Make sure to take the LMEI Tech Labour Study!

Are you an employer or employee in a tech related sector here in Sask? If so, make sure you’ve taken the survey that @Nordicity has come up with to determine economic and labour insights of our tech sector! Take the survey: By completing the survey you will be helping us define the future of…



Level Up Think Gaming Returns for Another Amazing Event!

Level Up: Think Gaming is coming back to you with another amazing speaker series event. Join us May 2, 2023 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm via Zoom with returning guest speaker, Jason Della Rocca, who will tell us all about how to build some momentum for launching your game. A Q&A will be available afterwards following…

