Saskatchewan Interactive Media Association (SaskInteractive) requires an experienced consultant, agency, or data analytic company to conduct a study on Saskatchewan’s technology sector.
SaskInteractive and its project partners, composed of government and industry, will be undertaking a research project to develop a labour market and economic impact study of the provincial technology sector. The final report will give stakeholders the information to measure growth; guide future programming and policy at the industry, government, and post-secondary levels; and attract investment and labour participation in the industry. To achieve these outcomes, this project will accomplish the following objectives:
- provide a baseline measurement of the industry and sectors within it;
- measure the tech sector’s share of the provincial economy;
- describe the current and future state of the labour market and the skills required to participate in it;
- understand the composition of tech sector participants; and,
- produce a current and accurate study that is accessible, comprehensive, and repeatable.
Full Request for proposal & submission information here
Schedule of Events:
- RFP Release Date: March 18, 2019
- Last Day for Receipt of Questions: April 1, 2019
- RFP Closing Date and Time: April 8, 2019 by 5:00pm CST
- Tentative Evaluation Completion Week of: April 15, 2019
- Tentative Supplier Selection and Negotiation Week of: April 22, 2019