Hire an Intern!

Hire an intern!
The University of Saskatchewan is looking for placement opportunities for their students in the 2017! Taking on an intern is a great opportunity for employers and helps students gain valuable work experience.

The Computer Science Professional Internship Program at the University of Saskatchewan enables employers to hire student interns for 12 or 16 months at their company. Employers can choose from a pool of students who have at least three years of university education and developed diverse expertise. Both Computer Science and Interactive Systems Design students participate in the program.

They have a record number of students this year, with over 50 students accepted into the internship program! Recruitment begins in January with placements beginning in May or September 2017. For more information on program details, important dates, and funding opportunities, please visit their website (www.cs.usask.ca/cspip) or contact the Internship Coordinator Brittany Melnyk at [email protected].

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