#TransformSK Report

The #TransformSK Report is now available!


This report is the result of the largest-pan industry consultation in Saskatchewan history of five founding partners:

  • Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce
  • Saskatchewan Construction Association
  • Saskatchewan Mining Association
  • Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan
  • Canadian Manufacturing and Exporters Association

They traveled 1,000s of kilometres, hosted 60 consultations, in 14 different communities to collect ideas, input and feedback representing tens of thousands of Saskatchewan citizens businesses and non-profits.


What’s in the Report?

In this report, they provided 45 calls to action, based on what they heard from participants, categorized into themes. The main focus is upstream planning, requiring long-term commitment.

The opportunities most often brought up by participants include: more complete engagement of the Saskatchewan Indigenous population in the economy; the critical role of education to our province’s future success; and that healthcare and infrastructure are key to social and economic advancement.


What Happens Next?

From here, the founding partners will work to establish a committee to guide and drive transformative change. Its role will be to continue to ask for ideas, and volunteer people and agencies willing to explore the viability and tackle the implementation of specific calls to action.


To read the full report click here or visit their website https://www.transformsk.ca

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