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Note prices are subject to change.

Currently enrolled (full or part time) at a post secondary institution in Saskatchewan
Discounted pricing to Saskinteractive and various community events
Ability to upload a resume or portfolio
Stay up-to-date on what's happening in the IDM industry
Working in and/or interested in the IDM industry in Saskatchewan but not a registered business
A personal profile on the Saskinteractive website
Discounted pricing to Saskinteractive and various community events
Stay up-to-date on what's happening in the IDM industry
Non-profits, educational institutes, government/government related, and all out of province organizations
An organization profile on Saskinteractive's website
Unlimited job postings
Unlimited news and event postings
Access to a large database of IDM businesses in SK
Small Business
Registered business in Saskatchewan with 2-12 employees
A company profile on Saskinteractive's website
Unlimited job postings
Unlimited news and event postings
Access to provincial and national business resources
Registered business in SK with more than 12 employees
A large company or enterprise profile on SaskInteractive's website
Unlimited job postings
Unlimited news and event postings
Access to provincial and national business resources